The results of “LAY THE DRAW by Gianluca Landi” have been extraordinary in these months and have allowed many of my followers on social networks to make good profits with a very low risk. I have already explained how this strategy works, in the article “Lay the draw by Gianluca Landi strategy”.
In this article you will find all the results in an Excel sheet that will be updated periodically with new matches: it takes into account all the variables of the strategy such as the minute of the first goal, if the lay odd has been reached, if the green up was done, or, very important, if Betfair sent the market in live.
Some matches that were reported did not go live by Betfair and therefore are not considered as it was not possible to put into practice the strategy that assumes the lay draw odd must be at least below 3.00 and then the operation must be closed in general at the first goal in live. If these parameters are not met, the strategy is considered null. Someone could even enter a higher odd, but it goes beyond the report.
I want to clarify that these signals were given to all my followers the day before no later than 5 hours before the match starts. It is obvious that I, Gianluca Landi, am not like those who always hit the results putting the coupon or the match after it is over, but I always put it before the beginning because when someone does a serious and professional job must always put his face before and not after. Only clowns at the circus put it after.
Here are the extraordinary results from 22 May 2018 with a single loss in red up and all the other green up. Many goals arrived after the 70th minute allowing an excellent green up.
The matches are chosen based on a series of parameters and indications and using Betpractice for the first part of searches. You can see how Betpractice works to see how you can use it. The final choice, that takes into account even when the goal could be scored to lower the limit odd of 3.00, is made by me analyzing and crossing a series of data and statistics and mainly with the experience on the market obtained with a serious and professional study through all these years.
To see the complete Excel sheet created by Daniele, one of my collaborators, click on the button at the bottom of your right.

Engineer Gianluca Landi has been a sports trader since 2007 and online with the first sports trading site and courses since 2011. Amazon bestselling author and founder of ScoreTrend.
- Category: Betting Exchange Strategies