ScoreTrend's prematch scanner provides all football statistics in one click. The prematch scanner is fully customisable by the user, who can choose as many statistics as he or she likes. It contains all world football leagues and compatible types of statistics to be entered. The scanner works in parallel with the prematch bot: once the best parameters have been identified, the bot can be set to automatically match. Everything is simplified and studying the matches takes little time.
The prematch scanner is a tool of ScoreTrend and can be found at It also contains the live scanner to follow the matches in real time. ScoreTrend is now not only live but also prematch.
How the prematch scanner works
The pre-match scanner significantly reduces the time spent studying a match. All the matches of a given day, list or league can be found in one easy-to-read panel. One can quickly browse through the matches to find some interesting statistics. With the filters, one can immediately find matches that meet our criteria.
No more wasting time on football statistics sites looking for something interesting. With score trend, you have everything on one screen!
The main features of ScoreTrend's pre-match scanner are:
- choice of date or date range: you can choose today's date or one in the past for the retrospective study of what happened;
- Choice of the list of leagues to be analysed: you can choose the list of leagues you prefer. All world championships are included, none excluded;
- Enable Home/Away match combinations: you can see the results of all matches or home/away matches;
- Number of events out of matches played: statistics are in percentage form and number of events played out of the total;
- All football statistics: find any football statistics, if something is missing you can request it;
- Filters: powerful filter that allows you to use hundreds of different conditions simultaneously.
- Saving your own configurations: you can save the file of different configurations e.g. under, over, first half etc. and upload it. In an instant you will find the configurations you made previously.
Available football statistics
All prematch football statistics are available in the prematch scanner. This means that e.g. league tables, fitness charts etc. do not have enough space to be displayed.
At the top there is an activate statistics' button that opens a pop-up with the available statistics. The prematch statistics are categorised so that they can be found more easily.
It is possible to choose whether to see all matches played for a team or to select only home or away matches. The behaviour of a team differs greatly when playing in its own stadium compared to when playing away. The scanner highlights this very important aspect.
To analyse a match, I recommend using the home/away view.
For each category you will find:
- Home: statistics of the team playing at home
- Away: away team statistics
- All: Home + Away statistics
For each team playing home or away, statistics are available when playing home, away or total.
A unique and extremely valuable feature of our scanner is the following:
- At the top of the scanner home page you select Activate H/A combinations
- In the statistics you only select the desired statistic from the home section and you will find it in the away section. In this way you only select one statistic and you will find the corresponding one in the scanner.
For the match analysis it is essential to study the home and away statistics respectively. For each statistic there are the percentages and the number of events out of the total played. You must see the percentage but also the number of events out of the total number of matches played.
Scanner filters
The scanner filter is the added value of our system. In the filter, you can enter from 1 condition up to all those corresponding to the statistics present. It follows that there can be more than 300 filters!
By inserting more filters you can reduce the sample of daily matches by finding interesting situations. Using the scanner I have made strategies on under, over or team points with a very interesting success rate. I recommend that you take a good look at the data, and the statistics and try different configurations with the filter available.
Video Explanation Scanner Prematch
In the following video I show in detail how the scanner works and how to set the filters.
Come accedere allo Scanner
The prematch scanner is included in ScoreTrend's subscription plans viz:
- Premium
- Essentials
- Advanced
- Professional
Each plan has specific, defined features based on the live functionality. Each plan has within it the prematch scanner and the live scanner. The prematch bot is included in the advanced and professional plans.
It is possible to try out all ScoreTrend and the scanner with the free one-week subscription.
Below is the link to access the ScoreTrend subscription plans and choose the most suitable one.

Engineer Gianluca Landi has been a sports trader since 2007 and online with the first sports trading site and courses since 2011. Amazon bestselling author and founder of ScoreTrend.