fairbot software betfair betdaq


Fairbot is one of the 'oldest' Betfair exchange software born back in 2005. Fairbot has the version obviously for Betfair.com and since 2014 also for the Italian Betfair exchange. The layout and basic features of the software have remained almost the same and there has been no restyling or introduction of new features over the years, except for minor updates. Fairbot in addition to the functionality of the other software has the ability to make very simple automated strategies using Betfair odds and the AND condition.

The layout of Fairbot is containerised, i.e. all functionalities, tools, ladder and horizontal grids are conglobated within the platform and it is not possible to separate them from the rest: for example it is not possible to take a ladder and move it to another screen. This functionality has some limitations especially for scalpers who use other sites and tools on the same screen.

The software is Betfair api vendor certified and is one of the most popular along with Traderline, Geeks Toy, Betting Assistant and Bet Angel.

Fairbot is a middle ground for the beginner and for those who need more advanced software and have the possibility to insert some simple automated strategies.

There is also a version for the world's second largest exchange platform Betdaq called DaqBot: this version has the same functionality and layout as the Betfair version.


Main features and functionality

The software has various functionalities and features. The main features and functions of interest to the sports trader are listed below:

  • Ladder device with one-click order entry and deletion
  • Simulation mode to test your strategies with virtual money
  • Automated strategies: It is possible to build simple strategies using Betfair exchange odds
  • Dynamic stop loss and take profit
  • Kill or Fill: Place your order now or cancel it.
  • Keep your bet in play: the order stays in the market even after a goal or the market goes live
  • Green up from Ladder
  • Charts with financial indicators such as Bollinger Bands. Moving averages, MACD, RSI
  • Dutching with multiple selections


Costs and subscriptions

The costs Fairbot are slightly lower than the .comversion which are in USD. The longer the subscription period, the higher the discountn

  • 1 month subscription: 11,95$
  • 3 months subscription: 29,95$
  • 6 months subscription: 54,95$
  • 1 year: 99$


Fairbot is one of the 'oldest' Betfair exchange software born back in 2005. Fairbot has the version obviously for Betfair.com and since 2014 also for the Italian Betfair exchange. The layout and basic features of the software have remained almost the same and there has been no restyling or introduction of new features over the years, except for minor updates. Fairbot in addition to the functionality of the other software has the ability to make very simple automated strategies using Betfair odds and the AND condition.

The layout of Fairbot is containerised, i.e. all functionalities, tools, ladder and horizontal grids are conglobated within the platform and it is not possible to separate them from the rest: for example it is not possible to take a ladder and move it to another screen. This functionality has some limitations especially for scalpers who use other sites and tools on the same screen.

The software is Betfair api vendor certified and is one of the most popular along with Traderline, Geeks Toy, Betting Assistant and Bet Angel.

Fairbot is a middle ground for the beginner and for those who need more advanced software and have the possibility to insert some simple automated strategies.

There is also a version for the world's second largest exchange platform Betdaq called DaqBot: this version has the same functionality and layout as the Betfair version.


Main features and functionality

The software has various functionalities and features. The main features and functions of interest to the sports trader are listed below:

  • Ladder device with one-click order entry and deletion
  • Simulation mode to test your strategies with virtual money
  • Automated strategies: It is possible to build simple strategies using Betfair exchange odds
  • Dynamic stop loss and take profit
  • Kill or Fill: Place your order now or cancel it.
  • Keep your bet in play: the order stays in the market even after a goal or the market goes live
  • Green up from Ladder
  • Charts with financial indicators such as Bollinger Bands. Moving averages, MACD, RSI
  • Dutching with multiple selections


Costs and subscriptions

Thecosts of the Italian version of Fairbot are slightly lower than the .comversion which are in USD. The longer the subscription period, the higher the discount.

These are the prices for the Fairbot Italy version

  • 1 month subscription: 9,99 €
  • 3 months subscription: 24,95 €
  • 6 months subscription: 44,95 €
  • 1 year: 79 €



Gianluca Landi

Engineer Gianluca Landi has been a sports trader since 2007 and online with the first sports trading site and courses since 2011. Amazon bestselling author and founder of ScoreTrend.

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