ScoreTrend Black Friday 20% on all plans also for 3, 6 and 12 months!

ScoreTrend's Black Friday starts on Tuesday 14 November and will end on Monday 4 December 2023 allowing you to take all of our subscription plans at 20% off. At this stage we have introduced quarterly, half-yearly and annual subscription plans after many user requests. Starting mid-January we will have the new version of ScoreTrend completely redone, user friendly and with many new features. The new version will be completely different, user friendly with the possibility to have several charts at the same time on one line and the search for matches will be immediate! There will also be all the main statistics, odds and asianodds under the graph of each match!

The 20% black friday discount applies to new subscriptions and renewals with a slightly different procedure that we will explain in detail. For those unfamiliar with ScoreTrend and would like to try it out, you can take advantage of the one-week free trial by clicking on: ScoreTrend free trial.


Discount coupons and Black Friday duration

To join ScoreTrend's Black Friday for a plan you have never subscribed to, you need to enter the discount coupon you find in the desired plan just above the payment. The discount coupons are the same for all plans but differ in the duration you choose. If you want to subscribe for several months you have the dedicated coupon that will give you the total to pay already with the 20% discount. Once you have completed the payment procedure (within a few hours) we will manually enter the additional months of your chosen plan.

Black Friday will end on Monday 4 December 2023.

Here are the discount coupons to be entered according to the chosen plan and the corresponding costs:

COUPON  blackfriday3months6months1year
DURATIONStandard costMonthlyQuarterlyHalf-yearlyAnnual
STARTER 8 €  6,4 € (2 mesi)      
 PREMIUM 19 €   15,2 €   45,6 €   91,2 €  182,4 €
 ESSENTIALS 26 €  20,8 €  62,4 €  124,8 €  249,6 €
 ADVANCED 29 €  23,2 €  69,6 €  139,2 €  278,4 €
 PROFESSIONAL  39 €  31,2 €  93,6 €   187,2 €  374,4 €
For example, if you want to subscribe to the advanced plan for the duration of 3 months, you have to go to the subscription page of the advanced plan and enter the relevant coupon for the 3-month plan, i.e. 3months. The cost of the 3 month plan at normal cost would be €87 while with the black friday discount it is €69.6! Once the payment is made we will manually charge the additional months.
You must check that the cost to be paid is for the months you want to purchase, leaving out the discounts applied which are negative (to simplify the procedure) for multi-month subscriptions.

If you have taken advantage of the free trial or are already registered with ScoreTrend, go to the page of the plan you want to buy and at the top of the page enter your username and password and click login. The system will recognise you automatically and you will not have to enter all the required data as it is already in the database.

Get the 20% Black Friday ScoreTrend discount now

Subscribed plan renewal

Renewing a subscribed ScoreTrend subscription plan is very simple and straightforward. Just go to and on the top right hand side in the login form enter your user name and password.

rinnovo abbonamento scoretrend


Once you have logged into the system you will find Subscription Data at the top and clicking on it will give you the details of your plan and the option to renew your previously subscribed plan as in the image on the left.

Under subscription renewal select the duration of the subscription you wish to subscribe to and click process. The available subscriptions are already 20% off the original price you see and you do not have to enter any discount coupons.

Once you have renewed your subscription you are immediately charged for the months you have purchased. If you want to subscribe to another plan that you have not subscribed to before, you must follow the other procedure described in the previous paragraph.

Those who have already had a subscription and want to renew it will not be able to do so with the coupon (from error) but must do so with product renewal that is already discounted and does not require a coupon.

If you have any problems or doubts write to info

After black friday we will still leave the possibility to buy multi-month subscriptions but without the discount of this promotion.


Get the 20% Black Friday ScoreTrend discount now









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