Alert Super Lay The Draw by Gianluca Landi

The First channel alert lay the draw that tell you what to do


The Super Alert Lay the Draw by Gianluca Landi sends signals in real time showing the market where to place a bet, the entry odds and what to do when a team scores a goal. Green up or cash out. This system works exactly as the Alert Lay the Draw by Gianluca Landi but provides less signals with a higher success rate. The Alert Super Lay the Draw had maximum two loss in a row.

The subscribtion at alert super lay the draw is included inside alert lay the draw.

Features of Alert Super Lay the Draw

Come funziona alert super lay the draw
How does it work

In the same way as the Alert Lay the Draw, the system sends signals in real time showing the market where to place a bet, the entry odds and what to do when a team scores a goal. Green up or cash out. This system works exactly like the Alert Lay the Draw by Gianluca Landi but provides less signals with more resricted parameters to elevate the success rate.

Super Alert lay the draw esempio

We created a proprietary algorithm that checks in real time all the games in play, and when all our parametrers are satisfied, a notification is sent to our dedicated telegram channels with all the details and instruction to follow. You can use Telegram either way on your desktop or on mobile devices.

Alert super lay the draw facilita d'uso
Simple and powerful

The service is very easy to follow for everyone. Our phylosofy is quality over quantity, picking only verified and most profitable signals to avoid overtrading. In fact we had maximum two losses in a row from the beginning. On this purpouse is always important to respect your money management or the one we created built on Alert statistics to help you maximizing profits and minimizing loss.


Who is Alert Super Lay the Draw designed for?

It is designed for people who have at least the basic knowledge of Sport Trading embracing a low risk philosophy.

guide smartphone

It is a unique service

The signals sent have all the informations needed: just place the bet on your betting exchange website in agreement with the money management.

guide alert

Why use it?

The system provides only selected signals with a very high success rate. Everything can be verified in the following tables. Strenght in numbers.

Information  about Alert e super Lay the Draw for 9 euro per month


The results of the Alert Super Lay the Draw by Gianluca Landi are remarkable

The bets can be placed with a fixed or variable stake through our application of money management with dynamic recovery of loss.

Monthly Profit & Loss of the Alert Super Lay the Draw (50 euro single-operation liability).

Lay X by Gianluca Landi : Statistiche

Results from the start of the channel

Lay X by Gianluca Landi : LTD
Gianluca Landi

Engineer Gianluca Landi has been a sports trader since 2007 and online with the first sports trading site and courses since 2011. Amazon bestselling author and founder of ScoreTrend.

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