Alert Lay The Draw by Gianluca Landi

the first lay-the-draw alert channel that tells you exactly what to do


The alert lay the draw subscription also includes the super alert lay the draw (less signals with a clearly favoured team) which are two complementary channels. In the telegram message that arrives during the course of the match it is clearly indicated to bank the draw (there is also the result at that moment), the entry fee and the closing of the green up operation as soon as a goal is scored. Obviously you can wait for the entry by consulting ScoreTrend's charts and the statistics shown to lower your entry fee and maximise your profits. You can split your stake and bank at decreasing odds. In case you are not in front of the computer to follow the game and unable to cash out, it is advisable to bet over the current over in the same way so at the goal you have already closed the market. The entry fee of the alert is the odds of the draw which is not the same as the current over. Example if the result of the match is 1-1 go to the over 1.5 market at least at an odds of 1.7.



Features of Alert Lay the Draw

How it work alert lay the draw
How it work

The system sends the signal in real time with an indication of the market on which to operate (tie bank), the entry fee and the green up exit as soon as a goal is scored. The message contains all the information necessary to carry out the operation and consequently the profits made are verifiable by all.

telegram message alert lay the draw

Our revolutionary system monitors all matches being played in real time and if the parameters set meet the requirements of our proprietary algorithm, a signal is sent to the dedicated Telegram channel with the details of the match. It is specified to exit the operation via the green up as soon as a goal is scored.

alert lay the draw easy to use
Easy to use

The system is easy for everyone to follow and time-consuming: quality over quantity of signals! The key is to respect proper money management for each signal made. You can use our proprietary money management application built on alert statistics to maximise profits and recover from negative signals.


Who is Alert Lay the Draw designed for?

It is designed for people who have at least the basic knowledge of Sport Trading with the desire of saving time studying and checking all the stats and informations on every single game.

mobile smartphone

It is a unique service

The signals sent have all the informations needed: just place the bet on your betting exchange website in agreement with the money management..

guide alert

Why use it?

The system provides only selected signals with a very high success rate. Everything can be verified in the following tables. Strenght in numbers.

Alert purchase and super Lay the Draw at 9 euro per month


Results from the start of the channel

Entry signals can be realised at fixed or variable stakes through our dynamic loss recovery money management application.

Monthly Profit and Loss of the Alert Lay the Draw (50 euro liability per bet)

BLay the Draw by Gianluca Landi : Statistics

Single Alert Lay the Draw arrived on the dedicated channel

Lay the Draw X by Gianluca Landi : LTD
Gianluca Landi

Engineer Gianluca Landi has been a sports trader since 2007 and online with the first sports trading site and courses since 2011. Amazon bestselling author and founder of ScoreTrend.

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